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Why get your Flue Sweeped?

Poorly maintained chimneys can have a lasting effect on your house.  Blockages such as birds’ nests or large soot deposits can allow harmful fumes to leak into your home and of course, in some cases could cause potential fire damage. Regular sweeping can dispel some of these concerns. 
The frequency of this is dependent on many factors –

  • Type of chimney you have

  • Ttype of fuel you are using (and the moisture content if you use wood fuel)

  • Frequency of usage

  • Type of appliance used

As a general fuel type guide I would suggest that–

  • If you use smokeless fuel, you should ideally have your chimney swept at least once a year

  • If you use wood, you should ideally have your chimney swept quarterly when it is in use

  • If you are using bituminous coal, you should ideally have your chimney swept quarterly when it is in use

  • If you use either Oil or Gas, you should ideally have your chimney swept once a year.

Regular sweeping clears your chimney of any potential hazards, which, if unchecked can have long term problems for your health and your home.

Budgeting for such a small level of maintenance every year is trivial when compared to the value of your home and families well-being.
On my first visit to you, I can advise the best level of regularity for your individual chimney, leaving you safe in the knowledge you are dealing with a professional person who is an expert in his field.